I believe in creative problem solving and good attitude.

My favorite work includes working in cross-functional teams to solve meaningful problems. I'm passionate about games, social experiences, the internet of things, and how those any or all of those things might intersect.

I am currently leading mobile design for Game Pass and streaming at Xbox in lovely Redmond, WA. Previously, I was a founding member of the audio UX team in Microsoft's New Experiences & Technology group, building mixed reality experiences for the modern workplace. Browse my projects to see more of my past work, including cross-platform music experiences, the Windows 10 app store, and personal projects exploring social technology.

I also take an active role in mentoring people new to UX or design. I've worked with App Camp For Girls and the School of Visual Concepts to teach design and web development to teenagers and adults looking to enhance their careers or learn new skills.

When not designing experiences, I enjoy the internet, pour-over coffee, learning web standards, Dota 2, and cats. To be instant best friends, send me your favorite GIF. 

Weak against: fire.

I love a good chat over email or coffee, so please reach out!
Or for the nitty-gritty, get my resume here. 


Product design lead in Seattle, WA.